Rules for Qualified Teams

Teams become eligible for the Season Ending Tri-Cup Tournament by either being High Points at the end of the scheduled session or by winning both rounds of playoff's. ( A team that loses to a qualified team in the final round of playoff's would also become elidgable for the Tri-Cup Tournament)

At the Tri-Cup tournament the top 8 teams all become eligible to compete in the Year end Regional Tournament. To maintain their eligibility that team is required to stay active thru the Spring session and retain at least 4 of the original members from the qualifying roster.

By the last week of the Spring Session , each player must have four plays with their current team to be eligible for Post Session Playoffs.  However, if your team qualifies for the Spring Session Team Triannual Tournament, each player, in addition to having four plays with your team, must also have at least seven plays in their player record (lifetime) attained with any team since they joined the League  by the end of Spring Session Playoffs (plays during the Summer Session do not count toward this requirement).  If your team qualifies for the Regional Tournament, each player must have a minimum of 10 plays (matches played during Spring Session Playoffs and Triannuals do count toward this requirement, but Summer Session matches do NOT) plus the four plays with your team.  REMEMBER, THESE ARE THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE VARIOUS LEVELS OF PLAY.  IF YOU ONLY HAVE THE MINIMUM, YOUR PLAY AND SKILL LEVEL WILL BE HIGHLY SCRUTINIZED DURING THE TOURNAMENT AND ARE SUBJECT TO BEING RAISED BY REVIEW